Join Us in Our Mission to Help 1,000,000 People
Improve Their Health Through Personalized Nutrition

Kelley Herring

10 Jan 2020

Dear Potential Partner,

Thank you for your interest in promoting Meal Genius to your visitors and subscribers.

If you've landed on this site, you probably already know that 70% of all disease is preventable... and attributable to poor diet. It's our mission to change these staggering statistics - one bite at a time.

Meal Rx™ Personalization Technology 

Using our Meal Rx™ personalization technology, we provide dietary solutions for the most common health issues of today including:

Personalized Meal Plans: Because There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Diet!  

Unlike other meal planning sites that create meal plans for the collective, we create meal plans for the individual.

Interested to learn more about how ytou can promote our products and services to your customers? We'd love to hear from you! 

Why You Need a Personalized Diet

Your Body is Unique… Your Diet Should be Too!
Discover Why in Our Free Guide!