Collards are a member of the Cruciferous family of vegetables and are believed to be among the oldest members of the cabbage family to be cultivated.
Long popular as a "Southern" food (and one of the most healthy!), collards are easy to prepare and accompany almost any dish - ranging from seafood to steak.
A good source of vitamin C, beta-carotene and folate, these greens also provide cancer-fighting phytonutrients including glucosinolates and indoles.
Choose smaller-leaved plants for tenderness and mild flavor and look for a leaves that are green, moist, crisp, and unblemished. Wrap unwashed collard greens in damp paper towels, place in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator crisper for three to five days.
Serving size: 1 cup(s)
Calories: 11
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 1 : 1
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