Caraway seed is the fruit of a biennial herb in the Umbelliferae, or parsley family, known as Carum carvi. The seed is about 1/5-inch long and tapered at the ends.
Holland is the world's largest Caraway producer. It is also grown in Germany, Russia, Morocco, parts of Scandanavia, Canada, and the United States.
Caraway seed, with its pungent aroma and distinctly sweet-tangy flavor, is commonly used in rye bread. It is also used to flavor sauerkraut, sausage, cheese, cabbage, and soups.
Estimated Glycemic Load = 0
Store caraway seed in a cool, dark, dry place.
Serving size: 1 tsp(s)caraway seed:7 kcal calories
Calories: 7
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 22 : 1
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