Prior to 1850, nearly all the cheese produced in the United States was Cheddar.
It has a rich, nutty flavor that becomes increasingly sharp with age. Cheddar's smooth, firm texture becomes more granular and crumbly as it ages, as well.
Traditionally, the color of the exterior wax denotes the flavor or age of the cheese: clear suggests mild, red suggests medium, and black suggests sharp.
Because cheese is essentially milk that is condensed it is important to choose cheddar cheese made from organic milk, free from hormones.
Estimated Glycemic Load = 1
Choose organic cheddar cheese and keep refrigerated. This cheese goes well with apples, pears, onions, tomatoes;for wines pair with red wines such as Zinfandel or Merlot; pale ales or stout beers.
Serving size: 1 ounce(s)cheese
Calories: 113
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 2 : 1
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