In the 1890s, a Scotsman named David Jacks first produced Monterey Jack in Monterey, California.
With a delicate, buttery, and slightly tart flavor, Monterey Jack has a creamy, open texture and a variety of flavors including dill, garlic, hot pepper, jalapeño pepper, habañero pepper, pesto, wild morel and leek, lemon peppercorn, roasted garlic, onion and chive, salsa, five peppercorn, blueberry, apple and cinnamon, Caesar and more.
Because cheese is essentially milk that is condensed it is important to choose monterey jack cheese made from organic milk, free from hormones.
Choose organic Monterey Jack cheese and keep refrigerated. It pairs well with Mexican-style ingredients, fruit, quesadillas, and poultry; for wines pair with fruity wines like Riesling, Colombard or Rhine; spicy Jacks are great with lager beers or Belgian-style ales.
Serving size: 1 ounce(s)cheese
Calories: 104
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 2 : 1
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