Hazelnut oil is extracted from the roasted nut of the hazel tree. Its nutty, sweet profile makes it a pleasant topical oil and a flavorful addition to dishes.
Compared to olive oil, it has similar levels of monounsaturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids with slightly lower levels of saturated fat
Hazelnut oil is full of vitamins and minerals, most notably the antioxidant vitamin E. Hazelnut oil is also a great source of manganese, which helps the body metabolize fat and supports the production of sex hormones.
With a flash point of 430 F, hazelnut oil can be safely used in higher heat cooking preparations such as sautéing.
Serving size: 1 tsp(s)oil
Calories: 40
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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