It’s no surprise that nutrient rich sesame seeds would yield oil packed with benefits and flavor.
Sesame seed oil is high in magnesium, which helps prevent and fight diabetes by lowering blood pressure and blood sugar. In fact, some studies have shown it is so effective that it can be used to replace blood pressure medicine.
Sesame seed oil also contains an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound known as sesamol. Sesamol promotes heart health and protects DNA against radiation damage.
Its anti-inflammatory qualities are believed to help decrease arthritis and improve air passages ways for those with respiratory conditions. Due to its vitamin E content, it is also great for your skin, both when consumed and when applied topically.
Sesame oil has a flash point of 410 F, making it a good choice for sautéing and other high-heat cooking methods.
Serving size: 1 tsp(s)oil
Calories: 40
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 133 : 1
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