Chlorella is a single-celled, green algae found in fresh water. It is considered a superfood due to its concentration of chlorophyll, nutrients, amino acids and protein.
Praised predominately for its detoxifying abilities, chlorella helps diminish the effect of radiation and exposure to heavy metals by bonding with toxic metals (including mercury) in the body and removing them safely.
The nutrients in chlorella also work to boost immunity, improve digestion and fight cancer.
Despite having a number of similarities, chlorella is not to be confused with spirulina, another blue-green algae superfood. Both detoxify and when chlorella is paired with spirulina, the effect is intensified. The cellular wall is indigestible, so it is important to take a supplement that has cracked cell walls in order to benefit from chlorella’s effects.
Serving size:
Calories: 0
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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