Erythritol, a sugar alcohol (or polyol), is considered the world's first all-natural, non-caloric sweetener. It is naturally found in a wide variety of foods including mushrooms, watermelon, pears and grapes as well as fermented foods like sake, wine and soy sauce. With a carb count of nearly zero, it surprisingly tastes much like sugar, but has a glycemic index of zero!
Meal Genius recommends Wholesome Sweeteners Organic Zero - non-GMO erythritol derived from sugarcane.
Corn-derived erythritol may not be suitable for individuals with a severe corn allergy.
Store in a sealed container, away from moisture and heat.
Serving size: see packaged foods for more information.
Calories: 4
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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