Sardines are a group of several types of small oily fish related to herrings, and were named after the island of Sardinia, where they were once found in abundance.
A much overlooked superfood, sardines are "packed" with omega-3 fatty acids, are a sustainable catch and are also free from many of the contaminants (like mercury and dioxins) that plague the larger oily predatory fish (including tuna and salmon).
Not only are sardines loaded with omega-3 fatty acids but they are also an excellent source of selenium, vitamin D, calcium, niacin and vitamin B12.
After opening, keep sardines refrigerated in an air-tight container for no more than 2 days.
Serving size: 3 ounce(s)sardine
Calories: 175
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 2 : 1
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