Hearts of palm are the edible inner portion of the stem of the cabbage palm (Euterpe oleracea) - the same tree that produces the açaí berry.
These delicate, ivory-colored gourmet treats resemble white asparagus, sans tips. They have a firm, smooth texture and a flavor similar to an artichoke. Each stalk is about 4 inches long and ranges in diameter from pencil-thin to 1 to 1 1/2 inches.
Hearts of palm are available fresh only in Florida and in other countries where they're grown. You can find canned hearts of palm, packed in water in the canned vegetable seciton of your grocery (usually near the artichoke hearts). Once opened, store in a nonmetal container with an airtight cover. Keep refrigerated in their own liquid for up to a week.
Serving size: 1 cup(s)hearts of palm
Calories: 41
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 9 : 1
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