Pumpkin seeds are a nutritional standout and have been used for their medicinal properties in Europe and China for centuries.
Known as "pepitas" - which means little seed in Spanish - and widely used in Mexican cooking, pumpkin seeds can be enjoyed as a snack, added to salads or ground up to make a unique pesto.
In addition to providing an excellent source of magnesium and iron, pumpkin seeds also provide immune-boosting zinc and phytonutrients called curcurbitacins which researchers have found pack a powerful punch against prostate problems.
Pumpkin seeds are sold in the shell, shelled, roasted, and raw. Keep pumkin seeds refrigerated; the oil in pumpkin seeds can easily go rancid.
Serving size: 1 ounce(s)pumpkin&squash sd krnls
Calories: 151
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 114 : 1
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