Cocoa has been enjoyed for thousands of years by ancient cultures including the Aztecs and Mayans. And now it has reached superfood status. Packing twelve times the antioxidant capacity of blueberries, natural cocoa is a crave-worthy, age-defying ingredient.
But that's not all. Researchers have identified more than 600 nutrients in the addictive bean that offer a myriad of health benefits. Most studied of these nutrients are the flavonoids. One flavonoid in group in particular -the catechins - may help to protect your heart and boost your immune system.
When choosing cocoa, opt for organic, fair-trade cocoa that has not been "dutched", or treated with alkali. The process of alkalizing cuts the antioxidant power of cocoa in half.
Estimated Glycemic Load=4
Antioxidant Score (ORAC)=80,933*
*Natural, unsweetened cocoa powder
Check the ingredient list of any bar chocolate or cocoa to make sure that you are buying real chocolate. Don't be concerned about traces of white on the surface of chocolate. They indicate that the chocolate has undergone temperature variation but will not influence taste or quality. Store at room temperature or refrigerate, but do not freeze. Freezing interferes with the composition of the cocoa butter and causes the chocolate to crumble.
Serving size: 1 tbsp(s)
Calories: 11
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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