Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the result of yeast fermenting from crushed apples and turning into an alcohol. Bacteria – or “a Mother” culture - is then added to transform it into vinegar.
Unfiltered ACV will have a cloudy appearance on the bottom as a result of these bacteria, protein and enzymes. It is highly acidic, so it should not be consumed alone.
ACV has been shown to have anti-glycemic effects; it blocks the digestion of starch where it then moves through the digestive track and feeds good bacteria. It is a great resource for those with type-2 diabetes as it has been found to reduce the glycemic load of foods consumed with it, lowers blood sugar and may even help with those trying to lose weight. These same properties act as an antifungal agent both internally and externally.
ACV is known to preserve food, fight candida, and help fight against the common cold. It is full of minerals necessary for optimal health.
Because ACV is derived from apples – a crop on the Dirty Dozen list of those most contaminated with pesticides – be sure to choose organic apple cider vinegar in its “raw” fermented state like Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar.
Serving size: 1 tbsp(s)vinegar
Calories: 3
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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