Research continues to mount on how this "king of fruits" helps to keep the doctor away.
Providing a good source of fiber (including an important soluble fiber called pectin) as well as vitamin C, apples real power may lie in their rich concentration of heart healthy flavonoids including quercetin.
Because apples are on the Dirty Dozen, be sure to always pick organic.
Glycemic Index=38
Glycemic Load=6
Antioxidant Score* (ORAC)=4,275
*Red Delicious, raw with skin
Available year-round, apples peak season is from September through November when newly harvested. Buy firm, well-colored apples with a fresh (never musty) fragrance. The skins should be smooth and free of bruises and gouges. Store apples in a cool, dark place. They do well placed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator.
Serving size: 1 small
Calories: 77
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 5 : 1
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