Sauerkraut, which translates to “sour cabbage” in German, originated in China over 2,000 years ago where it is known as "kimchi".
While the traditional Chinese fermentation called for rice wine, the dish we know today is made with shredded cabbage, salt and sometimes spices.
Sauerkraut is made by a process of pickling called lacto-fermentation. Lactic acid bacteria - probiotics including Lactobacillus - form lactic acid when these good bacteria ferment sugars in the fresh cabbage.
Sauerkraut is a low glycemic index food that helps to balance blood sugar, is high in vitamin C and contains powerful cancer-fighting compounds including glucosinolates.
Look for sauerkraut in the cold case or canned foods aisle. Avoid sauerkraut containing preservatives like potassium sorbate.
Serving size: 1 cup(s)
Calories: 27
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 1 : 1
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