Tapioca is a starch derived from the cassava root (also known as yuca.) It is most commonly found in the pearl form, where it’s used in sweet and savory dishes for its dense carbohydrate composition.
Tapioca can also be ground into a flour and used as a gluten-free thickening agent for dishes such as soups and desserts or as a white flour replacement for breads and baked goods.
Tapioca is high in vitamin K, calcium and iron, which improve energy levels and promote healthy blood in the body. It also contains some folate – a b vitamin that is important for methylation and healthy cell division.
Tapioca is a high glycemic food that is predominately carbohydrate and should be consumed in small quantities due to its potentially harmful effects on blood sugar. It’s also important to note that the cassava root produces a poisonous compound known as cyanide, so make sure that you buy from a reliable source.
Glycemic Load=94
Serving size: 1 tsp(s)
Calories: 11
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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