Blackberries, also known as brambles, are the largest of the wild berries.
With their deep, purple-black color, these berries are loaded with powerful antioxidants including anthocyanins and are also high in fiber and vitamin C.
Estimated Glycemic Load=4
Antioxidant Score (ORAC)=5,347
Blackberries are widely cultivated in the United States and are available, depending on the region, from May through August. Look for plump, deep-colored berries sans hull. If the hulls are still attached, the berries are immature and were picked too early; the flavor will be tart. Fresh blackberries are best used immediately but they may be refrigerated, lightly covered and preferably in a single layer, for 1 to 2 days.
Serving size: 1 cup(s)
Calories: 62
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 2 : 1
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