Potatoes are member of the Solanaceae family and are the number one vegetable crop in the world.
In recent years, we've discovered there's a dark side to this seemingly innocuous "comfort food". White potatoes are a high glycemic index food that rivals pure sugar in its ability to spike blood sugar levels, which contributes to weight gain and increases the risk for diabetes. Potatoes are also on the Dirty Dozen - the top twelve crops most contaminated with pesticides.
Opt instead for sweet potatoes. If a craving for "mashed potatoes" arises, try our Horseradish Smashers - which substitute turnips for taters.
Glycemic Index=85
Glycemic Load=26
Antioxidant Score (ORAC)=1,680
*Baked russet potato
Serving size: 1 mediumpotatoes
Calories: 168
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 3 : 1
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