A descendant of cabbage, broccoli is a member of the Cruciferous family of vegetables.
Although most broccoli is green, in times past, purple, red, cream and brown varieties were popular. Along with a rich supply of vitamins and minerals - most notably vitamin C and folate - it also contains powerful disease-fighting phytonutrients including sulforaphane, lutein, quercetin and indoles.
Estimated Glycemic Load=6
Antioxidant Score* (ORAC)=1,362 and 2,386
*Raw (1,362) versus cooked (2,386)
Look for broccoli with a deep, strong color — green, or green with purple; the buds should be tightly closed and the leaves crisp. Refrigerate unwashed, in an airtight bag, for up to 4 days.
Serving size: 1 cup(s)
Calories: 31
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 1 : 1
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