Lettuce is the common name for a number of related plants that grow in “heads”.
Varieties of lettuce include iceberg, romaine, red leaf, and butterhead. Because their growing seasons peak at different times of year, there's always a plenitude of this salad staple.
All lettuce varieties are low in calories and most provide beta carotene, vitamin C and folate. Choose darker lettuce leaves to reap the most antioxidants.
Because lettuce is on the Environmental Working Group's list of the most chemically contaminated foods - the Dirty Dozen - be sure to always pick organic.
Antioxidant Score* (ORAC)=1,423, 963, 438 and 2,380
*Butterhead lettuce (1,423), Romaine lettuce (963), Iceberg lettuce (438) and Red leaf lettuce (2,380)
Choose crisp headsd of lettuce that are free of blemishes. Refrigerate washed-and-dried greens airtight in a plastic bag for 3 to 5 days.
Serving size: 1 cup(s) shredded
Calories: 7
Omega-6 / Omega-3 ratio: 0 : 1
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